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Home: Welcome


Small hospitality house offering short- and long-term hospitality to homeless men and women; serves 100+ folks three mornings a week, bringing "breakfast-to-the-streets;" faith-based intentional community; supports Plowshare movement for disarmament; involved in non violent civil resistance against militarism locally and with Atlantic Life Community

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Breakfast on the streets:

7am Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Preparation begins at 6am at Sacred Heart Catholic Church; meal is served on Salter St., between Virginia Beach Blvd. and Pricess Anne Rd., 1 block east of Monticello Ave.


No Nuclear War/Stop Trident vigil:

11am-12 noon, 3rd Friday every month at main gate to Norfolk Naval Shipyard, where Trident submarine USS Wyoming is being overhauled. In Portsmouth on Effingham St. just north of Portsmouth Blvd.


End all US Wars vigil:

5-6pm the first Tuesday every other month (even months) at St. Paul's Blvd. & City Hall Ave.


Close Guantanamo Prison/No Mass Incarceration vigil:

12 noon-1pm the first Tuesday every other month (odd months) at US Federal Building, Granby St. & City Hall Ave.


Vigill Against the Death Penalty:

5-6pm each evening of a scheduled Virginia execution, St. Paul's Blvd. & City Hall Ave.


Call 757-423-5420 for more information

Home: OpeningHours


Looking for students on break or for full-time live-in volunteers interested in living in community with homeless people at our hospitality house, working on our soup line, prayer and Scripture study, and participating in anti-war activism. Drivers license preferable. Please contact Steve Baggarly.

Home: About
Home: Welcome


1321 W 38th St
Norfolk, 23508

©2018 by Sadako Sasaki House. Proudly created with

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